Saturday, November 12, 2011

Adventures in Home Buying

The hubbs and I are in the process of buying a house. My first house, by the way. Within a span of a week, we got pre-approved for our mortgage, hired a real estate agent, saw some homes, fell in love, made an offer, got accepted, got and passed an inspection, hired an attorney, signed contracts and gave a boatload of money to said attorney. Whew.
Now, the real work begins. The official loan application and appraisal are coming up and both could put some possible wrenches in our plans. We are so impatient, the waiting game is killing us. It's a scary thing, a huge commitment, and I just cannot wait to be a homeowner. Every day that goes by feels like an eternity.
Looking ahead and trying to be proactive, we decided to start purging the attic. Now, I cannot accurately describe the state of our attic currently. Over the last 4 years, when we couldn't decide what to do with something, up to the attic it went. Out of sight, out of mind. Going through the attic today reminded me of a an episode of Hoarders. Why do we keep such crap? We found 4 comforters, 2 coffee makers, 3 large CD racks, a box of VHS tapes, boxes from products we no longer own and tons of miscellaneous stuff. It felt good to get rid of so much, it was cleansing.
I am not by nature a very organized person. I know it drives the hubbs crazy, but his need for "a place for everything" drives me bananas as well. But I love a good cleaning, and I get such satisfaction seeing bags and bags of junk go out the door!
Keep your fingers crossed for us!

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